The Influence of Chinese Master Taixu on Buddhism in Vietnam


  • Elise A. DeVido St. Bonaventure University



From the 1920s, Vietnamese Buddhist reformers revitalized their religion, inspired in great part by the Chinese monk Taixu’s blueprint to modernize and systematize sangha education and temple administration, and by his idea ofrenjian fojiao, “Buddhism for this world,” emphasizing the centrality of education, modern publishing, social work, and Buddhist lay groups to Buddhism’s future in the modern world. This article first discusses the Chinese Buddhist revival, then the activities of Buddhist reformers in Vietnam 1920s–60s, and the flows of Buddhist personnel and materials between Vietnam and China. This article explores how renjian fojiao was interpreted and realized in Vietnam, especially its influence upon Thich Nhat Hanh as he developed his ideas on “Engaged Buddhism.”

Author Biography

Elise A. DeVido, St. Bonaventure University

Department of History


How to Cite

DeVido, Elise A. 2015. “The Influence of Chinese Master Taixu on Buddhism in Vietnam”. Journal of Global Buddhism 10 (February):413-58.